Monday, July 25, 2011

Who are you?

Finally Saturday rolled around and we were off to pick up our little girl.  We missed her more than ever.  This was the 1st time she had ever really been away from us other than an occasional sleepover and also the 1st time since her diagnosis.  All week I worried about her.  Was she low?  Was she too hot?  Was she sad?  Did she get my package?  I could not get there soon enough.  I even looked at my husband funny when he mentioned grabbing some breakfast when we were half way there.  Can't you eat later?!  was what I was thinking.  Finally we made it there and realized as we pulled in at 9:28 that we were by no means early.  Some people were already getting back into their cars to leave.  We walked up and there she was, all smiles and excited to see us, BUT....sad to go.  She LOVED camp!  After our review with the doctor (everything was pretty good with her, a couple of lows, but they adjusted her insulin accordingly), we gathered her things and were on our way.  I just wanted to grab her and not let her go.

We were all in the car and she started to talk and that's when I wondered....Who are you?  Where is my little girl?  She could not stop talking about everything they got to do at camp, who she became friends with, all the "critters" that were found in her cabin, the swimming and THEN...."Mom, I have a boyfriend."  WHAT????!!!  Ummm, how could that be?  She proceeded to tell me about the boy she danced with at the Friday night dance, and how someone told her she should "break up" with him and her response was, "I can do whatever I want."  That was after she chewed me out for not telling her to pack something nice to wear to the dance.  I didn't know about a dance, but she did fine with her blue jeans and cowboy boots.  Then after we got past that initial shocker she said, "mom can I get my ears pierced today."  Oh hold on I thought, let me catch my breath.....And so, after dinner that night we made a trip to Claire's.

Then to top it off, we went shoe shopping and she bought her first pair of women's shoes.  I suppose it is going to happen, but I'm not sure I'm ready for her to grow up just yet.


  1. So sweet!! I had to pry Ally away from her when we were leaving :) I'm so glad that they met at camp. Ally seemed so mature to me when I picked her up as well. I catch her staring at her camp picture many times a day...I think she misses her new friends already!

  2. WOW! Lots of changes all at one time... boyfriend, peirced ears and womens shoes. Girls gotta train her mom slowly!!!

  3. I have to say I am very proud of the girls who stayed and made it throguh. I wish Cadence would of stayed. Oh well maybe next year! I agree that Cadence seemed more grown up as well even if she only stayed 3 nights.
